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St Stephens Primary School

Online Safety

The internet and technology are now an essential part of everyday life both for us and our children, therefore keeping safe online is essential.

This page is here to support and help parents to make sure their children stay safe online. 

In school the children use swiggle (www.swiggle.org.uk) a safe online search engine aimed at primary school children, this provides more protection for the children than searching on Google alone. The children are also aware of the school's online safety policy and the Computing Code of Conduct that all KS2 children have signed, agreeing that they will behave in a certain manner on the school's technology. The children are also taught explicitly about online safety and how to keep themselves safe on the internet through assemblies, lessons and workshops. The children all understand that these strategies and resources can be used at home as well as in school.

Take a look at some of our Parent Guides for some websites and resources help you at home.

Top Online Safety Tips for Parents:

  1. Make sure that you know when your child is online.
  2. Set clear expectations for your children with regards to using the internet, i.e. they should only access parent-approved sites.  
  3. Keep the computer in a family area not in the child's bedroom.
  4. Use 'child lock' or filter settings on your Web browser to help prevent unsuitable site access by your child.
  5. Regularly supervise the sites your child is visiting - through using the history or asking them to show you what they are doing. 
  6. Encourage your child to use their Favourites list to access the sites you have approved to prevent accidental entry to unsuitable sites
  7. Teach your child to switch the monitor off or close the laptop lid, then fetch or tell you if something unsuitable appears on the screen. This is what we do in school.
  8. Make sure you are aware that some websites have age limits to protect children, ensure that your child abides by these. 
  9. Keep all personal details private and be aware of stranger danger.
  10. Set time limits for your children when using technology as the longer children spend on the internet at one time the more likely they are to be somewhere they shouldn't. 
  11. Above all, encourage your child to talk to you about the web sites and electronic devices they are using at home and school.
  • Go Cornish