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St Stephens Primary School

Head's Welcome

Welcome to St Stephens Community Primary school.



This website provides you with a flavour of the exciting opportunities and experiences that we provide within our school.

Our vision statement encapsulates our intent - To develop enthusiastic and aspirational children who are resilient, creative thinkers ready, willing and able to play their part in the wider community. We aim to create ambitious, resourceful individuals who are well prepared for life through personal and academic achievement. We recognise excellence in everyone.

St Stephens is a Community Primary school which represents its local area well.  We are passionate about providing an engaging and creative education which strives for excellence. As a school we recognise every child has a talent and that we are all different. We view every child as an individual who deserves the best possible education so they can achieve excellence.

We are always trying to improve what we offer your children and welcome parents views and ideas as education is best when it is part of an effective partnership between parents and school staff. Our ‘Open Door’ policy ensures that there is always one of our team available to answer any questions or solve any problems that may develop.

The school ensures pupils are very active and the beautiful grounds allow education outside to be a feature of how we deliver the curriculum. We celebrate our local and national heritage whilst also using technology widely to prepare children to succeed in an ever changing technological world. We use a creative, thematic approach which allows us to ensure that pupils reach ever higher academic standards. All classes have termly themes that allow pupils to immerse themselves in deep learning experiences, which meet many different curriculum objectives at the same time. This allows us time so that the creative areas are not squeezed out of our timetable but are fundamental to how we ensure enthusiasm and engagement from every pupil. Big ideas and concepts are revisited so links can be made and learning is sustained.

We believe there really is no better place to send your child to primary school and we hope that the website gives you a flavour of what we are about. There is nothing better than seeing the real thing first hand, so if you want to come and look around, please contact us at the school.

I look forward to meeting you soon. If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team who will be very glad to help.

Mrs Sarah Laws


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