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St Stephens Primary School



At St Stephens the writing curriculum has been carefully organised in a sequential manner, to systematically build on the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. Learning is organised around a reading spine of age appropriate quality fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts, which the children are immersed in through reading, listening, talk for writing and story maps.

Children use drama and actions to bring the story, text or poem alive and rehearse key grammatical structures and patterns, whilst actively retelling. Through these texts, children will learn about grammatical structures, punctuation, cohesion and text organisation.

The children will plan, practise and apply these structures in their independent writing. The children will be given opportunities to edit and draft throughout the writing process and peer assess and evaluate their learning.

The texts chosen will be carefully linked to the term’s theme, to ensure an immersion in rich vocabulary, which will allow children to make strong links across the curriculum.They will encounter a broad range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry types and will be asked to write for a range of different audiences in a variety of genres.


Progression Maps


Writing on a page

  • Go Cornish